Wegbereiter der modernen Architektur

"Frank Lloyd Wright und die organische Architektur heute "

13 - 14 October 2007, Centro Studi S.M. Maddalena, Volterra

Conference Details:

Saturday, October 13th

Starting 10.30 am

Greeting of the president of the association

Eric Lloyd Wright
Architect and founder of the Wright Way Organic Resource Center, Malibu,
Architecture and natural habitat, search for a bio-architecture

Arthur Dyson
Architect, ex-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture in Taliesin West,
member of the International Academy of Architecture

Development of an idea - the Organic Architecture

1. pm
Lunch Break with a buffet at Villa Palagione- Centro Interculturale

3.00 pm

Brian Spencer
Historian of Architectural Science, member of the Americal Institutes of Architects,
lecturer of the University of Sofia, Rostov, Politechnika Gdanska, director of the Milwaulkee Art Museum

Temporary camps designed between 1929 - 1933

Aldo Loris Rossi
Lecturer of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture at Naples University
The Organic Hyperrealism

Mario Galvagni
Architectural research scientist at C.R.A.P.F (Research Center for Architecture, Painting and Physics),
Laboratorio per l' Unitarietà del Sapere Contractual professor of GestaltEcology at the Faculty of Architecture in Parma
and of the University of Political Science in Pavia (urban and rural sociology)

Experimental organic architecture as ecology of forms

Finishes 7.00 pm

Sunday October 14th
Centro Studi Santa Maria Maddalena, Volterra

10.30-12,30 am
Carol Bishop, pittrice:
"La visione romantica dell'architettura di Frank Lloyd Wright"

Dibattito dei relatori con il pubblico e la stampa

4.30 pm
at Villa Palagione
Intrattenimento musicale:
Musiche di Bach - Francesco Fontana al violoncello

Brani tratti da "Un' autobiografia" di Frank Lloyd Wright, letti da Simone Migliorini

Musiche di Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Marcello -
Ornella Bazzini alla spinetta e Paolo Fratini al flauto

Konzert zum 140. Geburtsjahr von Frank Lloyd Wright, Villa Palagione


Ornella Bazzini (Spinette) Paolo Fratini (Flöte)
Eric und Mary Lloyd Wright

Der Schauspieler Simone Migliorini rezitiert
Essays von Frank Lloyd Wright
Veranschiedung der Gäste aus Kalifornien:
Arthur Dyson (2.v. li.), Brian Spencer, (3.v.li.),
Eric Lloyd Wright (5.v.li.)